Pregnancy Week 28: Baby BOY #3

Hello 28 weeks! When I went to start writing this post, I thought I was in week 27 until I read the last post! This week was great, and to think I'm a week farther ahead than I remembered (attributed to pregnancy brain), just makes it all that more fabulous. Here's what went on in my week: 

28 weeks 6 daysHow Far Along: 28 weeks 6 days 

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Back to only normal amounts. Thankful for that!

Midwife/Doctor Appointments: I had an appointment with my midwife today. She did my pregnancy check at our house, which was great since I didn't need to go anywhere. First thing she said when she saw me was that I looked small for being nearly 29 weeks pregnant. I never tire of hearing I look small, because usually I feel the exact opposite! My fundal height has finally caught up, so now my belly is measuring the size it should be for the week that I am currently, instead of measuring a week behind. Baby's heartbeat is the best thing about our appointments with our midwife, and it was beating 160 BPM today. As we were ending our visit, the midwife commented that I'd have one more visit in 4 weeks, and then two weeks after that we'd be having our official home visit, which is when she makes sure we have everything ready. I was thinking, WHAT? WHOA! ALREADY??? The home visit is what you have right before the baby is born! I guess by that point we'll only be about 2 weeks away from the full term 37 weeks, and it only makes sense we need to be fully prepared by then.

Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff: Hmmm, this week was easy. Can't complain.

Pregnancy Moment of The Week: I had two forgetful moments this week. 1.) I almost used deodorant on my toothbrush instead of toothpaste, but stopped myself just in time. Talk about gross! I would've been going to the store for a new toothbrush for sure! 2.) I almost cut a large (80 bar) batch of soap wrongly, but was caught in the nick of time by a friend who was visiting. You'd think that it'd be in my memory after having made over 17, 000 bars... LED Camo flashlight

What I Did To Prepare For Baby's Arrival: I came across a small LED flashlight in the van this week, and snatched it up to put in our birth supplies box, in case it is needed at the birth. If the room gets dim, it is useful to the midwife to have on hand.

Total Weight Gain So Far: 18 pounds. My weight has stayed the same as last week. Yay!

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Both. I can't believe my body is letting me wear my maternity jeans. Usually by this time in my previous pregnancies I get so many contractions from my clothes that I can't wear the jeans even though they still fit. This time, without an irritable uterus, I'm enjoying getting more use out of them. Pillsbury Orange Cinnamon Rolls

Food Cravings: Confession time. We enjoyed some orange cinnamon rolls out of a Pillsbury tube on Sunday for breakfast (seriously y'all, don't mess with the regular cinnamon rolls. They taste flavorless next to the orange rolls!) and on Monday as we were picking up some car parts for Nick's car, I was looking at every billboard along the way and wanting everything that had sugar in it! But I didn't have anything after the rolls, so the rest of the week my body settled down.

Baby Movement: He's using up all the space he can. The midwife said he is head down already, so that helps explain some of the movements I feel. Baby boy gets hiccups fairly often now.

Size of Baby #3: An eggplant. About 2 1/4 pounds now, and 14.8" long.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: I've been dealing a lot this week with the thought that my body is going to be restrictive and fight the birth of this baby. I have no idea why this would be, since in the last two births I knew how to keep myself calm and open my body to let the baby out without tearing. I think that it is in part related to the issues I'm going through right now with my family, which is not a good situation. Going into a birth with negative thoughts, or holding inside tension, can really impede the birth process. So, last night as my husband asked what I was thinking about, I told him the reservations I was feeling and I tried to express to him how I thought that the thoughts I was having could be trouble during the birth if I couldn't resolve the issues within myself by then. We were watching something on Netflix, and he immediately turned off the TV to focus his full attention on me (which I love about him). Just having him talk with me, helped a lot, and we'll keep working through my thoughts to be ready for this birth.  

Tell us about your week! What flavor of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls  is your favorite?

To read the previous Pregnancy Posts:

-Pregnancy Week 14: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 15: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 16: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 17: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 18: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 19: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 20: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 21: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 22: Baby #3 The BIG Reveal
-Pregnancy Week 23: Baby BOY#3
-Pregnancy Week 24: Baby BOY #3
-Pregnancy Week 25: Baby BOY #3
-Pregnancy Week 26:Baby BOY#3
-Pregnancy Week 27: Baby Boy #3