Pregnancy Week 23: Baby BOY #3

After all that we had going on last week, this week seemed a little uneventful in comparison! Here's what happened in the pregnancy this week:

How Far Along: 23 weeks 6 days

Braxton Hicks Contractions: About 5 total this week. A normal amount.

23 weeks pregnant

Food Cravings: Ice cream. I didn't give in until today when I was offered free ice cream. I met Nick for lunch at a local diner called DairyO, and when I was browsing their pails of ice creams, the girl behind the counter offered us a free milkshake. Someone had ordered a milkshake and they got the order wrong, so she offered the milkshake to us. A Butterfinger milkshake to be exact. It would have been irresponsible of me to turn down free ice cream! Wouldn't you agree? But, a friend brought me some Paleo friendly treats she made, and that was an awesome healthy snack! Coconut Macaroons, made from only 4 ingredients! Divine. Will have to make some in the future.

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: Not this week.

Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff: Unhealthy cravings. Like ice cream EVERY night. Sure, I like ice cream, but I don't need it. Got to get that through my brain. And my back is getting more sore with each day. Between this baby growing, and still carrying his older brothers at times (sometimes both toddlers at once, so carrying 3 children at a time!), it's no wonder. Add in the fact that I also carry boxes of soap, soap ingredients, and baby paraphernalia occasionally, and it is a recipe for a sore back.

Paleo coconut macaroons. I'd already eaten 2!

What I Did To Prepare for Baby's Arrival: Nothing. Unless you count the two trash bags of 92 pieces of boys clothing I bought off of Craigslist for $30 (that's only about 30¢ a piece!). The sizes were from 12 months to 3T., so Baby's older brothers will get use out of these clothes first, but he'll eventually grow into them too. And then, later the same day I found $30 in a parking lot, so I technically got those clothes for free! 

Total Weight Gain So Far: 13 lbs. Up one pound from last week.

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Some of each. Most maternity tops are too big still, so usually my tops are my regular wardrobe. I did wear a pair of maternity jeans this week, and they were too big to sit on my hips properly, so I had to keep pulling them up every once in a while. It's always nice when clothes are too big, no matter what size you are.

Showing: No mistaking it from here on out. More strangers have noticed and made comments or ask questions. Friends are surprised to see my belly has "popped".

Baby Movement: Plenty. The little man lets me know he's growing and healthy. It feels like he is head down, although there's still enough room for him to change positions if he chooses. Mango

Size of Baby #3: A large mango. About 11" long, and over a pound.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: I'm still in shock that this baby is a boy. It isn't that I'm disappointed, not at all. I love that we're having another boy. But this pregnancy has been so different from my previous 2 pregnancies, that we were really convinced this had to be a girl. Shows how wrong we were!

Do you think my craving for ice cream every night is unhealthy? Got any suggestions for me for a healthier frozen snack?

To read the previous Pregnancy Posts:
-Pregnancy Week 14: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 15: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 16: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 17: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 18: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 19: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 20: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 21: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 22: Baby #3 The BIG Reveal