Pregnancy Week 25: Baby BOY #3

Howdy to our friends and family! This week means that there are only 15 weeks left, give or take, in this pregnancy! And only 12 weeks to make it to the "safe" point of delivery at 37 weeks, when our midwife will be willing to deliver this baby at our home. Yay! We've made it that far with both of our previous boys, so that's what we're hoping for on this third time around. Also, at week 25 in pregnancy, our baby has a 50%-80% chance of survival if he came this week. Last week his chances were only 40%-70%, so each week gains us a better chance at a healthier baby. Here's what happened this week: 

25 Weeks 6 Days PregnantHow Far Along: 25 weeks 6 days Braxton Hicks Contractions: Maybe 3? This pregnancy has been AMAZING! Love that it is normal this time (third time's the charm, right?), and that everything is going so well.

Food Cravings: Surprisingly none. I have gotten off of my sugar craving for 2 weeks now, and haven't had cravings of any kind ever since. I only had a few desserts at various gatherings I was at in the last two weeks, but I haven't made any cake, or cookies, and we haven't boughten any ice cream in two weeks either. I feel less agitated at little things, and have more energy, and I think that is a direct result of kicking sugar out. I didn't try to quit sugar, but I did make a conscious effort to not provide it for myself in any way, and having it only when we are out of the house has been great. [Hijacked by Dad] "I have to say it has been pretty nice not having all the sugar around. I don't have really any  sweet cravings myself. But if its around I will surely eat it up in a heartbeat." Keep Calm and No Sugar

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: None this week.

Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff: Leg cramps! I HATE those in each pregnancy. And, (unrelated to the leg cramps), I also have mild heartburn a few times a week. I'm not paying attention to what is causing the heartburn since it is so mild, but if it gets worse I'll try to track it down. [Hijacked by Dad] "I think I have been getting sympathy cramps. LOL The other night I was sitting at the table working on our new website design and got a cramp in my calf and nearly drug the laptop off the desk trying to get up and remedy the cramp. HAHA"

Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Hmmm, I don't remember any. (Maybe that's my answer?!)

What I Did to Prepare For Baby's Arrival: Not a thing! Sorry Baby. I just have a lot of soap to make before your arrival, so that is my focus right now. Total Weight Gain So Far: 15 lbs. Up one pound from last week.

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Both. Whatever is comfortable.

Baby Movement: Strong movements now. Sometimes it feels like the little man is dragging a foot across my belly, and that is the weirdest feeling I think! When it is just a kick or a jab, that's ok, but whatever the dragging motion is, kind of creeps me out! Haven't felt any baby hiccups yet. Those are fun, when they start. Week 25

Size of Baby #3: A head of cauliflower. About 13 1/2" and around 1 1/2 pounds.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: I'm amazed that we have made it this far and I'm still keeping up with my normal work load. That's never happened to me at this stage in a pregnancy before. It has made my life so much easier too. I'm hoping this keeps up until the very end so that I can properly prepare for this baby in the last few weeks, and also take care of my family, instead of asking for help from other people. Either way, I know that everything will turn out the way it is meant to be.

I'm curious to have your thoughts! Have you tried to get off of sugar and noticed any physical difference? Tell me about it!

To read the previous Pregnancy Posts:
-Pregnancy Week 14: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 15: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 16: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 17: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 18: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 19: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 20: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 21: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 22: Baby #3 The BIG Reveal
-Pregnancy Week 23: Baby BOY#3
-Pregnancy Week 24: Baby BOY #3