Pregnancy Week 16: Baby #3

Hey there! I know you've all just been sitting around to hear about my next week in this pregnancy, right? Just kidding. I'm sure you all have a whole lot more interesting things going on in your life right now. But just in case, here it is:  

16 Weeks PregnantHow far along: 16 weeks 6 days

How I'm feeling this week: Fantastic! Realized that I'm finally over the morning sickness hump. That has always happened for me around 16 weeks in my pregnancies, so I'm very glad to be over it. I also noticed this week that my hair is getting that healthy pregnancy fullness, thanks to the extra hormones and prenatal vitamins.

Braxton Hicks Contractions: None

Edwards Key Lime PieFood Cravings: Lime! I really wanted a frozen lime pie for 4 or 5 days, and finally asked my great guy to go get some for me at 9:30p.m. on Tuesday night. He is so sweet to get what I crave. The way I know the difference between a serious craving and a passing desire is if it continues to plague my mind for a few days. Then I don't feel so guilty indulging in the craving. And, after I eat what I'd been wanting, the craving goes away completely.

Food Aversions: None this week.

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: Not for a few weeks, since we were there last week. I did get some information for having our gender scan. We are thinking of waiting until I am 27 weeks, towards the end of September or beginning of October. If we wait that long, I can have the ultrasound for free by participating in being a "model" for students who need the practice for pregnancy ultrasounds at the local teaching hospital. If we decide to get the ultrasound earlier, we'll be paying $200 plus the office visit, which is another $200. Yeah. They really get you with ultrasounds.

Boy or Girl: Anyone's guess at this point.

Total Weight Gain So Far: 3lbs. No weight gained since last week.

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Regular

Starting to Show: Only in some outfits can you tell I'm growing a baby bump. But at this point it just looks like I'm needing to lose a few extra pounds.

16 Week Avocado

Baby Movement: Yes!!! Every day since I turned 16 weeks, I've felt the little one moving inside me. It is such an amazing feeling. I wish everyone could experience pregnancy to know what it feels like. For me at this stage, the baby is so little yet that I feel very subtle movements, but I'm feeling consistent movement morning, evening, and a few times during the day. Nick also felt the baby move this week!

Size of Baby #3: An avocado. About 4 1/2" long from head to bitty bottom, and weighing about 3 1/2 ounces.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: Mostly been thinking about how close I'm getting to 20 weeks, which will be the halfway mark. After that, it's all downhill from there!