Pregnancy Week 18: Baby #3

Another full but good week. We are so thankful for a healthy pregnancy thus far!

How Far Along: 18 weeks 5 days

18 weeks pregnantBraxton Hicks Contractions: Still no. BUT, I had several times this week where my uterus felt irritated, like it would start contracting at any moment. I layed down on the couch most of Sunday morning to give my body a chance to rest. I'm glad that I've learned to recognize warning signs to try to prevent my body from contracting.

Food Cravings: Surprisingly, I didn't have any cravings this week at all. Maybe because J.'s first birthday was over the weekend and we had cake and ice cream around for several days, and it took care of my sweet tooth for the week. I also really enjoyed the chips and salsa at his party. Got to get that salty snack in once in a while!

Food Aversions: Nope! And I even cooked raw sausage this week. Yay! Maybe I'm over food aversions from here on out. I can hope, can't I?

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: Not this week. Looking forward to it next week!

Boy or Girl: Not sure yet. Only 2 weeks to find out. Eeek! Click here!

Total Weight Gain So Far: 6 lbs. The story is, I was seriously interested in eating everything in sight over the weekend. Not sure if it was just because it was around, or if baby was hitting a growth spurt. All I know is I ate like crazy, gained 3 lbs., got to Monday and wasn't hardly hungry all day, and lost the weight gained from the weekend.

Maxi DressRegular or Pregnancy Clothes: Regular, but starting to think about my maternity wardrobe. I'm having trouble each day buttoning my skirts/shorts/pants, and with the recent complaints from Mildred (my uterus), I'm wondering if the tightening of my clothes is causing my uterus's crankiness. I just found out that my favorite second hand shop is discounting clothes to 50% off all weekend for tax free weekend, so I might need to go looking for a few pieces to help keep me comfortable. I would LOVE a few soft summer dresses that I could use for maternity and wear later non-pregnant.

Starting to Show: Yup! You can especially see it if I'm holding the boys.

Baby Movement: Lots! Sometimes as frequent as every 1/2 hour. One moment he/she is moving to the left of my belly button, and the next they're on the right side. It's crazy. He/she is an active baby! And the best part this week was that Nick felt the baby kick 3 times in a row one night.

18 week sweet potatoSize of Baby #3: A sweet potato! Sweet! Or about 5.6" long and around 6.7 oz.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: What if TWINS?! After all the movement I've been having all over, what if? Wouldn't that be a surprise on ultrasound day? That would mean we'd have 4 kids under the age of 2 1/2. Yikes! (I'm sure it's a singleton...)  

If you'd like to read the previous pregnancy posts...
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 15
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 16
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 17