Pregnancy Week 15: Baby #3

This week is going by so fast! I'm already almost through my 15th week, so I better get the post out before we jump into week 16. 

How far along: 15w. 6d.

Pregnancy Week 15How I'm feeling this week: Pretty good. Had a few strong nausea spells, but they don't last long. Also, I gag every time I brush my teeth. I HATE that. I've done that in every pregnancy, and it doesn't go away until the baby comes out- magically!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: None! (Thank you Mildred) Sidenote: If you struggle with an irritable uterus, we found it helps to give it a silly or ridiculous name. Takes the pressure off that there is "something wrong with you" or "something wrong with your body" mentality. Now you have someone else to blame! [Hijacked by Dad] Also another thing that really helped us with the contractions last time that was suggested by our midwife is Welcome Womb by Wish Garden. This stuff was amazing took us from on the verge of going to the hospital again to a completely docile Mildred.   

Food Cravings: Salads w/peppercorn dressing, and lemonade. I've had 3 or 4 glasses of lemonade through the week. At least I'm balancing out drinking my calories with salads!

Food Aversions: Nothing new this week. Cooking raw sausage meat still gets to me, but the thought of chicken doesn't bother me anymore.

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: Yes! We had our second visit with our midwife yesterday. The baby's heartbeat was easier to find, but the little rascal would move once we got a steady beat, or big brother J. would crawl on me right as the little baby would settle. At one point J. nearly lost his balance next to me and it freaked him out. We all saw it happen and the look on his face made everyone in the room burst out laughing. I was supposed to be lying still so the midwife could get an accurate reading of the heartbeat, but it struck me to be so funny I couldn't contain my laughter, and of course that made finding the heartbeat futile. As far as the Doctor appointment, I set a date for our consultation with him for my 20th week. Progress! [Hijacked by Dad] If you would like to listen to the heartbeat and at the end you can as the scope goes crazy when Elizabeth laughs! Click here -> Week 15 Pregnancy Heart Beat

Breakfast for a pregnant woman.Also this month my midwife saw a marked improvement in my food journal. She has me keep a food journal (only a few days a week) to get an idea of my diet to make sure I'm getting the proper nutrients I need for growing a baby. The last 4 weeks she wanted to see more protein in my diet. I'm not much of an eggs or meat eater (I was vegetarian before S. was born) but those are excellent ways to get protein, so I added more into my diet. I started eating a heartier breakfast to beef up my protein (pun intended) and today's breakfast looked like this: 2 eggs scrambled, with cheese, butter, zucchini, and broccoli, and a bagel thin with natural peanut butter (peanuts and salt), and raw honey drizzled on top. It kept me full for 5 hours!

Boy or Girl: Still a few weeks away until we can find out. [Hijacked by Dad] And don't forget that you can still guess the sex of the baby and have a chance to win some free soap in the process!

Total Weight Gain so Far: 3lbs. Gained a pound since last week. No wonder though. I ate a ton some days, plus you throw in 4th of July weekend with all the good food, its a wonder I didn't gain more!

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Regular, though they are getting tighter.

Starting to Show: Not noticeably to some, but I can see the roundness of my belly.

Baby Movement: Not quite sure. I'll feel a little tapping, and then nothing for days.

Size of Baby #3: An apple, or 4" long and weighing about 2 1/2 oz.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: Totally becoming engrossed with finding out boy or girl. All we know so far is that we love him/her and can't wait until the next opportunity to hear their heart beating, or to see their shape for the first time on ultrasound, or to feel their miniature movements.