Pregnancy Week 20: Baby #3

Hello 20 weeks. We finally made it halfway! There was a lot planned during this week, but unfortunately some of those plans were changed. Overall, it was a good week though.

How Far Along: 20 weeks 6 days

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Lots this week. I had two days where I was getting contractions for half a day each. It seemed that each instance was brought on 20 weeks 2 days pregnantby my lack of keeping up with my water intake, because after drinking a quart of water and laying down, the contractions went away. On one of the days, water wasn't quite cutting it, so Nick made me a homemade electrolyte drink, and within 5 minutes the contractions stopped completely. Here's the recipe if you'd like to make your own homemade electrolyte drink: [Hijacked by Dad] - Okay, so watching me follow a recipe is probably about the funniest thing any woman will ever do, I think. Trying to figure out the difference between tsp., tbsp., and their fully written versions seems to always throw me off for some reason. So you catch me staring at a little plastic spoon with a blank look on my face regularly.

Homemade Electrolyte Drink: 2c. water 1/8 tsp. sea salt 1 Tbls. maple syrup, OR 1 Tbls. sugar, OR 1/2 Tbls. honey juice of 1 lemon Mix and enjoy.

Yes, I ate it all myself.Man's sympathy pregnancy cravings.Food Cravings: Mine was a Heath Toffee Milkshake, and Nick's was chips and sour cream onion dip. [Hijacked by Dad] - Mmmm, no need for an excuse to eat that. It's just plain good!

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: So here's the disappointing part. We were scheduled to have our Dr. appointment this week, and find out the sex of our baby. Instead we ended up rescheduling for in two weeks. But, we did have an appointment with our midwife this week and got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which is always a joy we look forward to. She could hear a heartbeat on both sides of my tummy, but I'm only measuring at 19 weeks, so we don't think there's more than one baby in there. The ultrasound in 2 weeks will confirm that. The heartbeat is at 148 bpm. which is about the same rate both of our previous boys had at this point in the pregnancy.

Boy or Girl: Still don't know, and now anxious as ever! Total Weight Gain So Far: 9-1= 8. Yes, that's right, I lost a pound this week. I kept checking throughout the week to make sure it was correct, and it consistently put me at one pound less than last week. We use a mail scale, so it is very accurate, right down to ounces. When I got on the scale this morning, it was teetering between the 7 lb. mark, and the 8 lb. mark, so I just went with the 8 lbs. weight gain since that is what it was telling me the rest of the week.

Never enough ice cream!Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Both. I finally took out some of my maternity clothes. You can read about it in the post, The Day I Gave In: Maternternity Wear. I wore two of my maternity dresses in the last 2 days, and though they were very comfortable, I just felt old fashioned and frumpy in them. The rest of the week I've worn normal clothes. [Hijacked by Dad] - I have to say, she went shopping last week and got some really killer look'n dresses. She wore one today. She is one Hot Mamma!

Starting to Show: Most days, in most outfits, yes. Still not been noticed by a stranger though.

Baby Movement: Lots still. One minute he/she is on my left side, and the next they are on my right side. This baby likes to stretch out!

Size of Baby #3: A banana. He/she weighs approximately 10 1/2 oz. now, and are about 6 1/2" from head to bitty bottom. [Hijacked by Dad] - Still wondering when it will turn into a baby? Did God really design all these fruit transitions into the incubation period of a baby??

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: Secretly hoping for twins. Yes, I'm crazy, and I'm sure there is only 1 in there, but I've always wanted a set of twins. [Hijacked by Dad] - It's official; she has cracked a screw loose. Usually though, by now I'd be measuring larger for twins, so pretty sure it's not going to happen. Also I was keenly disappointed at not getting a glimpse of our little one this week. I just want the reassurance that he or she are healthy and growing on schedule.

Mamas, did you measure big or right on track with your pregnancies? 

To read the previous Pregnancy Week posts:
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 14
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 15
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 16
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 17
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 18
-Baby #3: Pregnancy Week 19