Pregnancy Week 27: Baby BOY #3

Week27 already! How wonderful! I liked reaching this week because it means we only have 10 more weeks to make it to 37 weeks, which is when we can safely deliver at home with our midwife. It is so comforting to be able to labor in a familiar environment, and be able to crawl into our own bed after delivering (yes, I do NOT deliver on our bed!).  So, what happens in week 27 of a pregnancy? You work your tail off, because you realize you are running out of time, that's what! This week was so busy, not unlike other weeks in our household. (Seriously, I guess I can stop talking about how busy we are. I mean, its not like we slow down for more than a day!) 

27 weeks 6 days pregnant

How Far Along: 27 weeks 6 days Braxton Hicks Contractons: All. day. Sunday. Yes, I had contractions at 3 minutes apart for most of Sunday morning, and then they decided to come semi regularly the rest of the day. I was so happy to go to bed to get some relief, and I haven't had more than one contraction since. Crazy body! Food Cravings: It's weird, but I haven't had very many cravings since we stopped buying ice cream. My body seems to be on a fairly even keel right now, instead of being a raging give-it-to-me food consumer.

Hand near face of ultrasound boy.

Midwife/Doctor Appointments: Yes. And no. Not really. I participated in a teaching scan this week at one of our local hospitals. Every fall they have new students learning to use the ultrasound equipment, and they look for pregnant women to practice on and be their live models. Hey, this may be my only chance at ever being a model, so of course I had to participate, right? It was really fun because I had 3 students plus the technician practicing their skills on my baby belly, so the appointment took at least an hour. I was told that we have a perfect textbook baby with a gorgeous beating heart, and that he is super adorable! I like hearing good things about our little man! As I'm sure every mom does. And an added plus, the students remarked that it was a little easier finding all the baby parts because I wasn't overweight like a lot of the other models they'd been practicing on. There's nothing like being told you are skinny in the middle of a pregnancy! :) Sure made my day! And yes, they confirmed that we are definitely having a boy. They said "He's not shy!"

Healthy Peanut Butter smoothie recipe

Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff: Shaving my belly. I'm not kidding! Each pregnancy I experience a surge in hair growth on my belly, and people laugh when I say that I either wax it or shave it. The positive side, is that the hair on my legs grows slower, so I don't need to shave them as often. There's a silver lining in every cloud. 

Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Outside of being told I was skinny, I'm not sure anything else happened this week...

What I Did to Prepare For Baby's Arrival: Nothing again. Sorry kiddo!

Total Weight Gain So Far: 18 pounds. One pound gained since last week. I'm glad for the pound a week gains. I can handle that! This week I still enjoyed eating Boca (meatless) burgers, and I also started something new. I made some peanut butter smoothies with frozen bananas, natural peanut butter, raw honey, and homemade yogurt. It was so good, and gave me a healthy alternative to ice cream when I wanted something frozen and smooth to enjoy.

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: You know the answer to this one! Both! Whatever is soft, stretchy, and comfortable.

Boy ultrasound

Baby Movement: We are thoroughly enjoying feeling our little man get bigger and stronger with each week. Last night we enjoyed seeing Baby Boy shake and roll in my belly, and Nick even started playing with a tiny foot, which made the little one go absolutely crazy.

Size of Baby #3: A cauliflower. (Didn't we already have that vegetable?) Just about 2 pounds now, and around 14 1/2" long.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: My mind is turning more and more towards the birth. Baby boy is still measuring about 10 days large (already in the 29 week range). That makes me a little nervous about pushing him out, I'm not going to lie. Both our other sons measured to the day, or one day off of where they were supposed to be at any given time in the pregnancies with them, and both of our other sons were under the average 7 pounds, so it makes me feel like a wimp that I might actually be having an average sized baby this time around. I told my husband this week that I decided I didn't want to go through the birth process. We all know that one way or another, this baby is coming out, and it will happen in the not-too-distant future. Every mom has anxieties about the birth process of each baby that is born, so I know this is totally normal to feel this way, and that in another 10-13 weeks, I'll be WANTING this baby out. :) I've had great birth experiences so far, and I can only trust that this one will go according to God's plans for me/him (baby boy), and I can be comforted in that. No matter what happens.  

Tell me your thoughts! Were you anxious about the deliveries of your children? Did it all turn out fine, whether it turned out the way you were wanting or not?  

To read the previous Pregnancy Posts:
-Pregnancy Week 14: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 15: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 16: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 17: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 18: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 19: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 20: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 21: Baby #3
-Pregnancy Week 22: Baby #3 The BIG Reveal
-Pregnancy Week 23: Baby BOY#3
-Pregnancy Week 24: Baby BOY #3
-Pregnancy Week 25: Baby BOY #3
-Pregnancy Week 26:Baby BOY#3