Pregnancy Week 17: Baby #3

How did I get here so fast? The last two weeks have simply flown by, whereas the weeks before seemed to go so slowly!

How Far Along: 17 weeks 4 days

17 Weeks PregnantBraxton Hicks Contractions: None still. Amazing! Hoping this continues.

Dad pregnancy CravingsFood Cravings: Chocolate cupcakes. This was totally a whim that I jumped on right away. We had all the ingredients at home, so I whipped up a batch in no time. I was proud of myself that I only ate 3 (stop laughing!). Normally I would have eaten more, just because they were there. AND I froze the rest, so I don't have them staring at me from the counter, demanding to be eaten.

What cracked me up this week was that my husband had a craving for chocolate chip cookies for at least 3 days. So after I made cupcakes, I made cookies. It is extremely rare for us to have this much sugar in the house! The cookies turned out man sized, and were honestly too sweet for my liking, but Nick loved his treat.

Food Aversions: None

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: None this week. But we did decide to go ahead and pay the extra $200 for an ultrasound at our consultation visit with our doctor in my 20th week. We determined that if Nick had to take off an extra day of work in September/October for us to do the free scan, it wouldn't really be worth the money saved, and the time spent waiting between now and then would seem like forever! We're too eager to find out. [Hijacked by Dad] I am really excited I have to say, about finding out the sex of the baby. I am really hoping for a girl. Boys are great and all, but I think a little girl might round them out a little bit. Plus they are just so cute. :-)

Boy or Girl:  Finding out in 3 weeks! We still have a few slots open for guesses on boy or girl to get free soap. Check out this article for the scoop. Comment on a blog post or comment on Facebook to make your guess! Hey, its free soap right? You got a 50/50 shot!

Chocolate Cupcake BatterTotal Weight Gain So Far: 6 lbs. Yikes! A 3 lbs. jump in one week. Darn those cupcakes! [Hijacked by Dad] 6 Pounds huh? You'd hardly guess it. She is still just as petite as ever; simply a little bump on the front that clearly screams baby. ;-)

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Regular

Starting to Show: A little bump.

Baby Movement: Every day! A few evenings ago, we'd put J. to bed, and Nick and I were sitting on the couch enjoying our time with S.  I started to feel the baby move, so I asked Nick if he wanted to try feeling the movements (he's only been able to feel the baby move one time so far), and he put his hand on the spot where I'd felt the baby. S. saw what Nick was doing, so he put both of his little hands on my belly, and proceeded to patiently wait. S. had the cutest grin on his face. I was sincerely praying that the baby would move so S. could feel him/her, but they had stopped moving as soon as everyone's hands enveloped my belly. S. didn't seem to mind however. He leaned over and kissed my tummy and kept saying, "bay-ee" (Baby)! It was such a sweet sibling moment.

Size of Baby #3: An onion. Or about 5" long, and weighing 5oz.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: Glad to finally know we'll be seeing our little baby on an ultrasound in 3 weeks. With feeling him/her move now, it makes it all the more exciting to imagine what they look like. We are still not settled on a girl middle name, or a first name for a boy. There's plenty of time for that, and we'll probably settle on a name once we know whether Baby #3 is a boy or girl. [Hijacked by Dad] I have really been wondering what the difference between two kids and 3 will be this week. You hear stories from all different sides thats it's a big leap to go from 2 to 3, or that it's really not that much difference. What are your thoughts?

Got any baby names we should consider? Tell us what you like for names!