Pregnancy Week 14: Baby #3

As the title of this post says, I am now in week fourteen of my pregnancy with our third baby. Week 14 is the first week of the second trimester, so that alone has made me VERY happy. Being in the second trimester has a lot of good things to look forward to, and it means for me, that I'm almost completely done with morning sickness. Here's what's been happening:

14w. 2d.How I'm feeling this week: Great! Lots of energy most days. Our house is staying a lot cleaner because I have the energy to put into it, and that makes me feel more relaxed. [Post Hijacked] "You can certainly believe this. She has become super active in the last few days. There for a while she was really having a rough go of it. I would come home from work and I could tell she wanted nothing more than to just relax. But the two other little ones just wouldn't let that happen. Poor girl." - Dad

Braxton Hicks Contractions: None this week. Haven't had any since my 7th and 8th weeks of pregnancy. I'm thankful I haven't had any in about 6 weeks, and I hope my irritable uterus (which we named Mildred) stays calm this time around. [Post Hijacked] "I really hope this pregnancy doesn't show any signs of Mildred. Elizabeth could really use a smoother pregnancy this time around. All those risks from intense contractions and false labor add a lot of stress to the every day life." - Dad

Food Cravings: Every craving during each pregnancy is different for me. This week it was donuts, and I found some fresh bakery donuts for 1/2 price at Harris Teeter. My menfolk enjoyed my craving with me. Maybe that explains how I gained another pound? [Post Hijacked] "Let's see if she makes me do any evasive U-turnes at the last minute for sugar cookies this time...." - Dad

058 low fructose sugar cookiesFood Aversions: I cringe at cooking raw sausage meat, and if Nick is around I usually have to have him take over. I also have had meals this week with chicken in it, where halfway through I suddenly think of the chicken as a dead bird, and then I can't eat anymore. Weird huh?

Midwife/Doctor Appointment: Not this week. Our last appointment was at 11w. 5d. and our next one will be in just over a week. I can't wait! I really want to hear the baby's heartbeat again. [Post Hijacked] "The last visit was super awesome! The heart beat was at 180bpm. Thats really fast compared to our last two kids. Here's hoping the high speed of the heart and all the other stuff we are seeing mean there is pink in our future!!" - Dad

Boy or Girl: Won't find out 'till sometime in August.

Total Weight Gain So Far: 2lbs.

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: All regular still.

Starting to Show: I think yes. Some people say no.

Baby Movement: None yet. Every once in a while I think I've felt something, but it doesn't repeat, so I chalk it up to wishful thinking.

Size of Baby #3: A lemon. About 1 1/2 oz., and around 3 1/2" from crown to bitty bottom. [Post Hijacked] "How dare you call our child a lemon! ;-)" - Dad

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: Been thinking a lot about Down Syndrome. In my other pregnancies I worried about having a Down Syndrome baby, but this time, I've just been thinking about how special a Down Syndrome baby would be, and how perfectly they would fit into our family. The thought doesn't scare me, and I know that if God gave us a Down Syndrome child that they would be deeply loved and joyfully welcomed. 

[Post Hijacked] "As with anything God sends us challenges and blessings both in this life. The order and timing they come in we will never know. But this we do know. 'All things work together for good to those that love the Lord' and in this we know we can take confidence even in the darkest of hours. Like right before that little guy came charging out!" - Dad