Pregnancy Week 33: Baby BOY #3

I hate to sound like a broken record, but how is it that these weeks are just flying by? It finally hit me this week that I really need to get myself in gear and get as much done as I can possibly accomplish in the next few weeks. Between Thanksgiving, our anniversary, this baby's due date, and Christmas coming up, I have a lot to do still! And not only that, I've been thinking that I wouldn't need to worry about baby boy clothes since we have two boys already, and then I realized that this baby will be born in a completely different season than our other two were. So, I don't really know what I have ready. Pathetic, right? One more thing to add to my to-do list.

How Far Along: 33 weeks 6 days

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Just fine this week. I get contractions in the evenings if S. or J. sit on my lap, so I usually have to convince them to sit next to me or sit on Nick instead. It doesn't go over well. They love cuddling with their Mama in the evenings, and it isn't something they understand. I can't wait until I have a full sized lap to offer them again.

Midwife/Doctor Appointments: Had an appointment with our midwife today. Baby is doing great, and his heartbeat is strong. I love hearing his heartbeat. It's my favorite part of the visit. Our midwife scheduled our home visit to be in two weeks, at which time I need to have all of our birth supplies ready! EEK!!! I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that this is actually happening soon. Birthing another baby and all.

Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff: Seeing S. or J. try to get comfortable on my lap and finally give up. They try so hard to cuddle with me. 

Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Having my midwife say I'm tiny. Ha!

What I Did for Baby's Arrival: I washed a baby toy (it had been sitting out for a few weeks, waiting to be washed), and I bought one of the items on our birth supply list: a box of disposable gloves. I got the gloves cheap because of a 25% off coupon, PLUS a free set of screwdrivers. How cool!

Total Weight Gain So Far: 23 pounds. Up one pound from last week.

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Both. I'm glad I have comfortable clothes to wear during my pregnancy, but I'll be looking forward to having my full wardrobe back in a few weeks.

Food Cravings: None this week. I made our first batch of Christmas cookies, only to have Nick and the boys and myself eat them all. I was trying to get a headstart on our Christmas cookies, but I guess I need to make more and hide them in the chest freezer!

Baby Movement: Tons at certain times of the day. This little man is really stretching, and our midwife commented that she felt a lot of baby parts. She was thinking he might be sunny side up (face up) right now, and I'm hoping he'll flip downwards for delivery. I've heard that it can be more painful for a baby that is face up. He is however, head down, so I'm glad he is already getting into position. Nick also thinks that he's dropped lower recently.

Size of Baby #3: A pineapple. He should be over 4 pounds and about 17" long.

Things to Be Thankful For in This Pregnancy: Very thankful for a head-down baby! Also glad that I have had the freedom to do whatever needs doing, instead of being restricted by an irritable uterus as I was in my previous pregnancies. The difference is like night and day.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: I've been getting my thoughts ready for this baby's arrival, and it has helped keep me calm about it. All it takes is reminders to stay relaxed no matter what, let things happen as they turn out, and visualize my body opening up. I also have a zillion little things relating to the pregnancy and coming birth, mainly about all the things I'd like to accomplish, or the things that absolutely have to be done before the baby's arrival.

What are your favorite items for a new baby? Or helpful items for a third baby?

To read the previous Pregnancy Posts: