Pregnancy Week 30: Baby BOY #3

When a pregnant woman reaches 30 weeks, she knows she's in the home stretch! We've got only 7 weeks left before our midwife will deliver our baby in the comfort of our home, at a full term 37 weeks. We've reached that milestone with each of our previous pregnancies, and that is our goal for this pregnancy. 

Here's what's been happening in our week: 

How Far Along: 30 weeks 6 days

Braxton Hicks Contractons: Only normal amounts. Makes life so much easier because I can get more accomplished than what I'm used to for this stage in pregnancy.

Midwife/Doctor Appointments: None this week.

Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff: Heartburn is my companion off and on throughout the day. Glad that'll end when the baby is here. And I've also hated the prenatal vitamins I've been taking for the last month. They are a gummy type of vitamin, and they don't feel like they do anything for me. I hope my favorite kind, the Bellybar Chewable  prenatal vitamins, are in stock when I go to the store this next time.

Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Having another pregnant mom tell me I'm doing really good for being 30 weeks already.

What I Did to Prepare for Baby's Arrival: Not anything this week. Looking forward to getting all the birth supplies ready, and getting the bassinet set up in our bedroom, plus pulling out all the tiny clothes and cloth diapers.

Total Weight Gain So Far: 20 pounds

Regular or Pregnancy Clothes: Both. Some of my maternity shirts are finally beginning to fit, now that there's getting to be more belly to fill in the space.

Food Cravings: Not really anything in particular this week. I really need to pick up more groceries to make more smoothies! Those things make a fantastic snack, and even our boys like to climb on my lap to enjoy it with me.

Baby Movement: Tons! This boy likes to roll around, especially after 9:30p.m. He'll be keeping me awake for sure after he arrives!

Size of Baby #3: A large cabbage. Around 15.7" long, and nearly 3 pounds!

Things to Be Thankful For in This Pregnancy: No stretch marks, a belly button that stays an innie, being able to wear my engagement/wedding rings, and no swelling anywhere.

Pregnancy Thoughts This Week: Too much to do, and too little time to do it. This little man is set to arrive at our busiest time of year, both because of the holiday season with all it's fun and family stuff, but also in our business, Horse 'O Peace Ranch. There's no way I'm going to be ready, so I'm trying to get my mind to focus on the things that really matter, which is taking care of my family and being as prepared as I can be with our soap products for our customers.