18 Weeks Pregnant (Baby #4)

Despite being 2 days late on the latest update on our pregnancy, this week was so good! The pregnancy is going well, soap is selling as soon as it's off the shelves, and soon we'll be breaking ground on the new site for Horse 'O Peace Ranch! Here's what happened in week 18 of this pregnancy:

18 weeks 3 days pregnantHow Far Along: Recapping week 18 (Picture taken at 18w 3d)

How I'm Feeling This Week: Still great. Needed a nap or two this week, but with all we have on our plates right now, it's no wonder!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Only 1. And there was a good reason for it! Keep reading.

Aversions: Every once in a while, someone's breath would get me looking for fresher air! People's breaths only bother me when I'm pregnant.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Bleeding gums when I brush, vivid dreams, skin break-outs (Nick tells me this is because it's a girl (not confirmed yet) and "she's stealing your beauty!" (always said with a grin)). I tell him that each time he says that, it sounds like he's telling me I'm getting uglier as this pregnancy progresses. Haha! Also, slight breast tenderness, dark hair on my belly, brittle nails, and darkened areola.
Symptoms I do not have: Bad gas! So thankful for this one! With each of my previous pregnancies, I had terrible gas. It was awful. Also, I've been fortunate to not get stretch marks on my belly with any of my pregnancies.

Doctor/Midwife Appointment: We met with our midwife this week! We were so excited to hear the baby's heartbeat again and see how well he/she are growing. The baby is doing good. My fundal height (measuring from my pubic bone to the top of my uterus) is 3 weeks behind right now. It should be around 19 cm (it's supposed to correlate to the week of pregnancy I'm in), and instead its only at 16 cm. It's always been a little behind until I'm past 20 weeks, but I don't remember it being that far behind.
The baby's heartbeat was hard to gauge. We could hear it very clearly, but we kept hearing it in two different spots about 5" apart from each other. The spot near my belly button was around 160 beats per minute, and the spot near my waistline was 130-140 beats per minute. It puzzled my midwife on why we were hearing two heartbeats, but we are guessing the baby was just moving around a lot. (No we are not suspecting twins, because 1.) there was only one baby on the 12 week ultrasound, and 2.) my fundal height is too small for a twin pregnancy.)

Weight Gain So Far: After gaining weight too fast at the beginning of this pregnancy, I turned to calorie counting to help me know what my body needed. Nick and I use My Fitness Pal on our iPhones, and we bought a smart scale that syncs up to the My Fitness Pal app. If you'd like to see my diet, you can look me up and I'll add you on my friends list. I'm listed as horseopeaceranch.
During the second trimester, I'm supposed to add only 300 extra calories to my regular diet each day, which translates to about one banana and a glass of milk. None of this "eating for two" business!

Starting Weight: 119 lbs.
Last Week's Weight: 127 lbs.
Today's Weight: 126 lbs.
Goal Weight Range For This Pregnancy: High: 154 lbs. Low: 144 lbs.

Kraft Mac n Cheese Pregnancy CravingFood Cravings: This week I had the insane idea that I wanted some Kraft Mac n Cheese. It's insane because I've probably only had this twice in the last 10 years. And the craving came in the evening when I was already maxed out on my calories for the day. But, I didn't care. I made a whole box for myself and ate it in one sitting. It was glorious!

Regular or Maternity Clothes: I wore maternity pants for one day this week. I was out shopping by myself (a rare occurrence) and my uterus tightened into one long contraction that wouldn't stop. So I used my finger to pull my waistband out away from my belly, and the contraction immediately stopped. I had to go home to change into maternity pants to finish my errands. Otherwise, I've been in regular clothes the rest of the week.

Starting to Show: Still not much. See for yourself in the pictures!

Boy or Girl: Anatomy scan is scheduled for week 20, and Nick will find out. I'm hoping to wait to the end to find out! Weird, I know, but since my husband and I talk about EVERYTHING, I have a feeling I'll know the baby's sex before the end of this pregnancy.

Baby Movement: Lots. This baby lets me know they are ok every few hours. It is so reassuring each time I feel him/her move.

Size of Baby: Up to 5 1/2" long and weighs 7 ounces. About the size of a bell pepper.

Pregnancy Thoughts this Week: I've been thinking about the milestones of pregnancy. Our next milestone is 20 weeks when we'll be halfway through, and then after that I'll be anxiously awaiting us to reach 24 weeks when this baby is viable, should he/she come early. That's when I'll start breathing easier.