Happiness, In Pictures

Today I have just been feeling down about a lot of little stuff. Stuff that doesn't really matter. Things that I feel like I have a "right" to complain about. You ever have those days? So to combat my want-to-be-grumpy self, I decided to look at the bright side of the things that make me happy instead.

Here's a peek at my randomness: 

Old Hotpoint DishwasherSugar Body ScrubDishwasher 
Though we still wash a lot of dishes by hand, I am so thankful for the ones that can be self cleaned by a machine. It really does save me some time, and although our dishwasher is old, it gets the job done.

Sugar Body Scrub
This could also be known as "Awesomeness In A Jar". My brilliant sister made this and gave it to me months ago. On the days when I need a pick me up, I take the time to use this during my shower, and I emerge with the softest skin. She used a blend of essential oils that make me think of Fruit Loops whenever I use it, but hey, who doesn't like Fruit Loops?! We're working with her right now on the right blend of oils, so that we can offer it in the future on  our website with our other skin care items. Something this good has to be shared!

Now, as good of a husband as Nick is, this bouquet did not come from him. Every few weeks when I am packing up at the farmers market, this older gentleman who makes and sells these bouquets, comes around and gives the ones that didn't sell that day to the ladies of his choice. 

Flower Bouquet

It always delights me and makes my day when I get one of these bouquets. Flower arrangements are not in my list of talents, so I'm tickled pink whenever I get flowers, no matter who gives them to me.

Packages for ShippingSoap/Internet Orders 
We have been having a lot of soap selling right now, and I love putting the packages together! It makes me feel so good to see something that we make as a family, selling, and helping to cure people's skin. As a work-from-home mom, having an outlet for my creativity that also brings in an extra income, helps me feel like a productive member of society even while also making the choice to stay at home to raise our children. It is not always an easy balance, but it helps me keep my sanity to have an outlet like this.

Nick and Boys Drinking MilkMy Menfolk
This picture was taken a few days ago, but I am always thankful for my 3 men. They each have their own ways of making me laugh every single day, and my life is so much brighter because they are in it. (I love how they are all drinking their milk at the same time in this picture!)  

Do you have days where you just seem "off"? How do you deal with your feelings/thoughts on those days?